Sunday, May 29, 2011

EcoGEOS: Department of Immigration and Citizenship: Diversity and ...

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[Australia Visa Immigration Information] 2011 Information on Student Visa Statistics | Australia Visa ...: 2011 Information on Student Visa Statistics described and statistical data regarding all information about student visas that are being lodged onshore and off shore, student visas granted by the Australian Immigration, the student visa?s grant rate and processing time. The report endeavors to assist people who are interested to apply for student visa to further understand the student visa application process.

[All Headlines |] Abolishing birthright citizenship would create permanent ...: Rand Paul (R-KY) and David Vitter (R-LA) introduced legislation to amend the Constitution and restrict citizenship to those newborns who can prove that one of their parents is a U.S. citizen, a legal immigrant, or an active member of the Armed Forces at the moment of the child's birth. In what seems a coordinated effort, Republican lawmakers in the Arizona legislature and other state legislatures introduced bills aimed at blocking children born in the state to undocumented immigrants?as well as professional workers and other noncitizens with long-term visas?from claiming a right to citizenship.

[Auto Blog Blueprint Demo] Could You Pass Your Citizenship Test? | Auto Blog Blueprint Demo: A fee is required when your Australian Citizenship Application is lodged. Applicants aged 18 to 59 years are allowed to register for the Australian Citizenship Immigration Test.

[Point/CounterPoint] TGIF ? & some News ? Point/CounterPoint: Well, welcome to America and thank you for responding to the rethinking birthrights cititzenship essay that RonPaul wrote though if i read your blog correctly you support his point of view which was why i responded. I still am offended by his views in that essay as well as anything else he says when he is on the airwaves.

[bluechipblack] Less Than Citizens ? BlueChipBlack: Rand Paul (R-KY) and David Vitter (R-LA) introduced legislation to amend the Constitution and restrict citizenship to those newborns who can prove that one of their parents is a U.S. citizen, a legal immigrant, or an active member of the Armed Forces at the moment of the child?s birth. In what seems a coordinated effort, Republican lawmakers in the Arizona legislature and other state legislatures introduced bills aimed at blocking children born in the state to undocumented immigrants??as well as professional workers and other noncitizens with long-term visas??from claiming a right to citizenship.

[frumforum] Obama Heads to Border for Immigration Speech | FrumForum: Is the promised measly $12 billion increase in federal revenue (a highly dubious prospect given, as Frum has pointed out, the drastic socio-economic underperformance of this wave of immigrants even after three generations) really worth the strain on our social fabric, national cohesion, linguistic unity, etc.?

[Inside Story] Lives on hold | Inside Story: Released under freedom of information laws, the red book says that all of the 106,000 graduates awaiting processing by DIAC are ?fully grandfathered?? against recent changes to the skilled migration program, but that ?many are likely to be in limbo for some time, as under current priority processing directions they are last in the queue.?? It warns the minister that these students could launch legal action against the Commonwealth, since under the Migration Act ?a person who lodges a valid application is entitled to a decision.?? As the red book states plainly, no decisions are currently being made in category 4 cases: ?The use of priority processing directions in recent years?? in combination with high applicant numbers, has meant that some people are persistently at the bottom of the queue with their application unprocessed.??

[The Daley Gator] Daily Benefactor News ? Supreme Court OKs Arizona's Business ...: In the beginning, illegal-alien-rights advocates complained that it rejected too many eligible workers, but U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, which runs R-Verify, has made improvements and brought the erroneous non-confirmation rate down significantly.

[Examiner RSS] Lakers' Artest wins Kennedy Citizenship Award | The Associated ...: Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award on Tuesday, an honor presented annually by the Professional Basketball Writers Association. The award is named for the former NBA commissioner, honoring a player or .

[Verum Serum] Obama Desperate on Immigration | Verum Serum: The revolution that is the TEA PARTY promises no citizenship for illegal aliens, or any of the clandestine Amnesties of which there has been six since 2004. The Tea Party leadership will vote out Pro-Amnesty law, which includes Sanctuary City ordinances and push in opposition to such bills as the dream Act, Chain Migration and any Immigration reform bills.

[Cmblake6's Weblog] Here you go Dave ? Cmblake6's Weblog: (Using the theory put out by WND, Joe Liebermann would have been ineligible, as well as any other Jewish person.) I have citizenship in Canada solely by virtue of being born across the border while my American parents were visiting relatives. I was born prior to the 1951 immigration treaty which requires a person born after January 1952 to choose citizenship at the age of 21.

[Immigration Blog covering latest immigration issues & news on immigration reform] Join our late night AM Radio law show on 1170 AM or online www ...: My name is David from Indonesia, using shah because recommendation from my previous lawyer, i am very pleased with his knowledge and ability to take care my situation (H1b with extension the 6th year thru green card with PERM process) Even though i only have bachelor degree and i knew im on hard situation, but got my approval within 2 yrs with 1 month LC processed AMAZING WORK SHAH! Note from our office: This case had a major problem with ability to pay.

[Larry Mendte] Larry Mendte Blog ? WPIX-TV: I think the reason immigration fell to this year is because...oh let's see...Bush dork-his predecessor left what on the table?...ummmm...and economy in free fall, a health care system with over 50 million Americans uninsured, 2 wars-neither of which fell in places that had weapons of mass destruction, an unemployment rate spiking towards 9 percent, and your own little insipid mind wonder why now on immigration and define it as the President pandering? Oh and it is interesting how you never refer to Obama as The President of the United States, but...newsflash...that is his job.

Reflected tags on Technorati: Blog, Social Citizenship, EcoGEOS


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