Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Options Investing | Stock trading tip

Options Investing

Article by stoptroncm

Long Straddle: This strategy is the opposite of the Short Straddle; an investor will simultaneously buy a call option and a put option on the same stock with the same strike price and same expiration date. Buy a near-term Put Option: The advantage is Leverage with fewer dollars at risk; however, the option will experience rapid time decay. This strategy is implemented by short selling a stock and writing (selling) an equivalent number of put options on that stock. Taxpayer identification number but who do not have, and are not eligible to obtain a Social Security Number (SSN) from the Social Security Administration (SSA).ITIN are issued regardless of immigration status because both resident and non-resident aliens may have U.S. Say you only want to protect your stock from a decline for 1 month. Similarly, a put option is said to have intrinsic value if the exercise price of the contract is higher than the current market price. How do you make money with options trading?For example, you want to capture the rise of the next ten points for Google?s stocks over a period of eg.eight months.If the price point of eg. How do you choose the Strike Price?The more bearish the investor is the further out of the money the put should be. Investors should consult with art dealers and valuations must be undertaken by reputable firms before purchase. These investors will only see a return on their investment if you are successful. When the decision is announce the stock will most likely move dramatically in one direction. You may want to consult a certified financial planner before making investments. You may also think a particular industry, like the medical industry, will grow significantly so you would want a mutual fund that invests accordingly. This protection comes from the premium gained by writing the lower strike price put, which lowers the net cost of purchasing the higher strike price put option. By writing a deep out of the money put option the investor is able to participate in a larger decrease in the stocks value; however, a further out of the money put option will provide a smaller amount of option premium. How to choose the Strike Price?The strike prices used will depend on how bearish an investor is. Say you only want to protect your stock from a decline for 1 month. You can invest according to your budget and build a portfolio over time and make substantial savings for your future. The investor feels there is limited downside potential for the stock and as a result is willing to forego decreases in the stock price below the options strike price in exchange for receiving the options premium. The time that they are held by the investor will determine the appreciated value. Say you think Google (GOOG) will decrease in price over the next month. A call option is a contract which allows the owner to buy 100 shares of stock, or take a long position on it before or after the expiration date, whereas a put option is a contract which allows the owner to sell 100 shares of stock, or take a short position on it, before or after the expiration date. Mutual funds can also be additionally profitable as a tax saving vehicle since money invested in some of these funds are eligible for tax breaks. For more about options strategy please visit where you have access to more detailed descriptions of options trading strategies including risk/reward profiles, when each should be used, and break even points. See the difference it can make?Of cos, some of you might argued that you can hold on to the common stock until the prices rise much higher. By writing a deep out of the money put option the investor is able to participate in a larger decrease in the stocks value; however, a further out of the money put option will provide a smaller amount of option premium. While you are waiting for the option to expire you can invest that 0 elsewhere say in Google. The more money owners pour into their investments, the easier it would be to attract adequate financing. The options used will be identical except for the strike price (use same expiration, same stock). For example, say the United States Presidential Election will occur in the next month and you want to find a way to profit. This strategy is implemented by purchasing a call option on a stock while shorting the stock. We shall deal with the most common investment choices around the world. The Bear Call Spread is implemented by buying a put option while simultaneously writing a put option with a lower strike price. For example, sell 0 Calls on Google (GOOG) with 1 month to expiration and buy 0 Calls on Google (GOOG) with 6 months to expiration. Pricing and Features for Sogotrade Investment Packages: online investmentSogotrade Interest Rates and Fees: trading stock options. Tax return and payment responsibilities under the Internal Revenue Code.

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Learn more about Option Investment | Forex Trading System | Foreign Exchange

Source: http://stocktrading.w-website.com/blog/options-investing/

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