Read all about it!
2012 World Choir Games in Cincinnati makes headlines
Since media coverage tracking began in January 2011, nearly 2,000 media placements?specifically about the 2012 World Choir Games have?have appeared in major news outlets.?This translates into more than 236 million impressions worldwide, with a publicity value of nearly $8 million. Some highlights include:
- In December 2011, the Chicago Tribune named the 2012 World Choir Games to its list of top events for 2012. It was the only U.S. event named for the month of July 2012, the only event in the Midwest and the only Ohio event.
- World Choir Games mascot Whirl made an appearance on the Today Show in January 2012.
- The Tennessean (Nashville) featured Cincinnati and its resurgence in a May article. The World Choir Games was the context for the story.
- The Washington Post ran a full feature on May 23 about DC-area choirs and Cincinnati as host city of the 2012 World Choir Games.
- Dayton Daily News ran a full feature story on the Games and Cincinnati as a travel destination in its June 3 edition.
- A New York Times article featured Cincinnati, the Banks and overall development in its June 6 New York edition.
- The Columbus Dispatch ran a World Choir Games?event feature in its June 30 Sunday paper.
Take Our 2012 Social Media Usage Survey Today!
Help us gauge how area businesses are using social media
Don't delay! Please take our social media?survey?by Wednesday, July 4. We will share the results with you through March Forth, on our website, at and through Vehr and Enquirer Media social media channels. Be on the lookout for this valuable information. We can't wait to share what we learn!
We want to know: How often do area business professionals use social media? Does your company actively participate in social media? Are tablet computers displacing desktops and laptops? Are companies blocking employee access to social media websites?
What we learned last year: Some highlights from our report last year showed Cincinnati brands increased their focus on brand awareness and customer service via social media, but surprisingly, only 30 percent?of area businesses offered some sort of social media training. Additionally, our survey showed 15 percent?more respondents who said they use smartphones and tablets.?
Why it matters: Social media is changing?rapidly.?Our survey provides a snapshot of local and national trends and how companies are evolving to utilize social media. Progressive, strategic and successful businesses seek to stay in front of trends. The results of our?survey can help?your business?get there.?
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March Forth is a publication of Vehr Communications.?We encourage you to forward this newsletter to a friend.? We also encourage you to visit our website? and learn more about what we do, who we are, how we think. Have suggestions for us? Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas on topics you'd like to see us discuss.
Visit our blog, Vr3, for our insights into managing Reputations, building Relationships, and delivering Results. ?
June 6, 2012
Are you ready?! 2012 World Choir Games in Cincinnati is fast-approaching
May 2, 2012
Crisis Communications: Your Reputation is on the Line
April 6, 2012
The Importance of Taking an Integrated Approach
March 6, 2012
Vehr Communications Celebrates 5th Anniversary!
February 3, 2012
Is Your Company Sharing the Love? Why Corporate Social Responsibility is a Must
January 5, 2012
Does Your Media Relations Strategy Need a Makeover?
December 22, 2011
Happy Holidays from Vehr Communications!
Vehr Communications, LLC is the only Cincinnati-area partner of IPREX (, a global corporation of 75 leading independent public relations firms with 115 offices and 1,500 employees in 33 countries throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia Pacific and other parts of the world.
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